internet marketing About Animals: About Lions

joi, 20 ianuarie 2011

About Lions

Female lions are primary hunters,work together for kill antelopes, zebras, wildebeest and large animals,lions live in group, young males leavep to find other group headed by another male and taking over.Males defend the territory,which may include 230-260 square kilometers of scrub,grasslands or open woodlands,lions are celebrated for their courage and strength.These animals known for their ferocious roar and for noises:woofing,hissing, purring,meowing and coughing.Lion is the largest African carnivore,males  weigh 170–195 kg,and females about 110-130 kg.The lion appears as a symbol of power,nobility and courage,the lions have been killed by men for trophies and for their medicinal,severe problem is in some area where livestock predation remains.

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